Bradford has a new home for cycling, right in the heart of the city.
Bradford: Capital of Cycling is really happening and we’re super excited about it!
We’re running fund cycling events in the run up to the Tour de Yorkshire and providing services to cyclists from our central hubs. These will include Cycling Campaign drop-in sessions, bike loans, training for kids and adults, disability friendly cycling and much more!
Location 1: under the NCP Car-park (formerly the running shoes shop) where we’ll be offering bike art workshops, bike maintenance, training and secure cycle storage.
Location 2: Thanks to the super generous Forster College, we will also be using 9 Aldermanbury – the former Forster’s Bistro – a fantastic venue right in City Park for displays and other events in the future.
Projects in the Pipeline
So much is happening it’s hard to know where to start but here’s a flavour.
- Creative Streets: We’ve recently been awarded a grant to engage people in animated activity at the Top of Town (areas around Darley Street, Oastler Market and surrounds). More details about the Creative Streets events can be found at The Telegraph and Argus have also written a piece on it.
- Bradford Cycling Club and Campaign: We have found our home! The former Forster’s Bistro is just perfect for the Cycle Club as their rides start from the Pavilion Cafe, directly opposite. It’s been secured for our use. The Bradford Cycling Campaign that does such a fantastic job of fighting for the cause of cycling in the District will also be setting up its office across our two venues.
- Cycling to Sanctuary with Local Welcome: We’ve recently been awarded a National Lottery Grant to organise cycling training and rides to recently arrived refugees in Bradford. We’ll be helping them find their feet, learn English and get onto two wheels!
- Space for Cycling Event: The Bradford Cycling Campaign is organising a Bradford based Space for Cycling workshop, the weekend before the Tour de Yorkshire. This is a Cycling UK (formerly CTC) supported initiative designed to raise awareness of the need for cycle friendly design in town planning and traffic management.