Apply for this exciting role, working around Bradford to help deliver and coordinate cycling lessons for adults and families. This is a flexible and enjoyable role, working for a supporting charity that wants to grow cycling in Bradford. Do get in touch if you’re thinking ‘maybe but…’ as we like to help roles fit people’s circumstances and passions if we can!
Part Time: 21 Hours Per Week = £16,000 (Full time equivalent = £26,666. There is potential for a full-time role combining two extra days supporting Capital of Cycling in Bradford, for the right candidate).
The role has pension and holiday entitlements and there is a three month probationary period. The role is quite flexible and details are negotiable, for example to allow for caring arrangements or your personal circumstances.

How to Apply:
Firstly read the full job description here
Next e-mail a one or two page letter explaining why you’re interested in the role and why you think you’d be good for it! Accompany this with a CV.
If you have any questions or would like to have an informal chat about the role, please ring Dave Robison on 07743471764 or e-mail dave@capitalofcycling.org.
Deadline for applications is 20th March 2023