Whether you want to learn to ride for the first time, get back on a bike having not cycled in years or develop your skills and confidence for riding on the road – there’s a session for everyone. These free sessions are available to anyone aged 16 up.
PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CANCEL if you’re not going to attend.
Location: Unless otherwise stated, the lessons take place at
Capital of Cycling, Rawson Road, under the Oastler Market Car-Park.
Our professional trainer will work with you to assess your needs and to get you up and running in a friendly, stress-free manner, at your pace.
Beginner lessons are delivered in a traffic-free environment and you can attend several, you just need to book. All equipment is provided. Belongings and other items can be safely stored on the premises while the sessions are going on. Lessons last just under two hours.
Generally, you should only need one or two sessions at each level to progress. Please do not book more than 3 slots at a time, in order to allow fair access to these activities.
PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CANCEL if you’re not going to attend.
Which course do you need?
Learn to ride – complete beginner (Level 0)
‘Learn to Ride’ cycling sessions are for adults who have not yet learned to set off and pedal a bike for themselves. The session starts by showing you all the essential safety checks you need then you’ll be fitted to your bike. The focus is then on steering and braking and confidence building. The sessions are broken down into small achievable tasks making them good fun. We will be in a large indoor space (well ventilated). It is well away from the general public. Class sizes at this time are limited to 3 per session. Masks to be worn throughout the session. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a drink with you. Toilets available on site.
Sessions for beginners/novices (Level 1)
Level 1 Cycling Sessions are for people who can pedal a bike, but are wanting to learn new skills or rebuild their confidence in their existing cycling skills away from traffic.
We start with setting off correctly, basic manoeuvring, and braking. Over the course we build up to looking over your shoulder without wobbling and taking one hand off the handlebars to complete a signal.
These skills are all useful in an off road setting using parkland, towpaths and cycleways.
Riding on cycle paths and quiet roads (Level 1.5 and Level 2)
We’ve also now begun a Level 1.5 led bike ride which helps you bridge the gap between feeling confident off-road and in using cycle paths and quiet roads.
Also running are Level 2 courses which involve road handling skills and helping you feel confident cycling amidst light traffic at low speeds.
You can find out more about the Introduction to On-Road Cycling sessions here.
Individual lessons – confidence building, commuting, group cycling
If you can already ride, but need help working out a commute, getting confidence on the road or building up to joining a cycling group, you can book a one to one or small group session. These can be arranged according to availability of our instructors. Please e-mail info@capitalofcycling.org with your name, a contact phone number and some information about what you’d like this lesson to help you with.
About the programme
Free cycle training is available to help more people living and working in West Yorkshire to travel by bike.
The cycle training scheme is being delivered as part of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s CityConnect programme, which is aimed at enabling more people to travel by bike and on foot, in partnership with local authorities.
Training is available at venues across West Yorkshire.
I was just wondering whether my request to book a cycling lesson on Thurs 10/09/20 at 12:30pm went through. The lesson was available but when booking (without an account) there was no confirmation. When reloading the page no lesson was available.
Hi Haaris – I don’t see any booking in the system with your name or e-mail that you’ve used for this comment I’m afraid. It could be somebody booked the last one just before you unless you’ve used some other details. You can e-mail info@capitalofcycling.org with these to check if you have.
Hi I have booked a class for Thursday 1.10.2020 afternoon 2.30. Could you please let me know the address where the class is held.
Thank you
Hi – They’re at Capital of Cycling, BD1 3SH – just take a look at our Find Us page – Location.
Hi! I’ve sent an email… please can you teach my 14yr old son (who has no experience at all) to ride a bike? I have tried but failed 😞 thanks.. Amanda
Hi Amanda, at the moment we’re not running any lessons because of the lock-down restrictions. Do drop us a line again when they’re lifted and we’ll see if we can help. It could be we could help with a one-on-one lesson for example.
Hi Amanda – lessons are now up and running again and you can book via the link in our menu.